The exact same variable can be used multiple times in a program in a dynamically typed language like Python. However, Python can be treated as procedural as well as structural language. This generator function returns a sequence of numbers from 0 to n-1. It does not use the return keyword but instead uses yield to pause and resume the function.

In Python, iterators are used to iterate a group of elements, containers like a list. Iterators are collections of items, and they can be a list, tuples, or a dictionary. Python iterator implements __itr__ and how to become a python developer the next() method to iterate the stored elements. We generally use loops to iterate over the collections (list, tuple) in Python. The beauty of the final block is to execute the code after trying for an error.

Q95. You are required to scrap data from IMDb top 250 movies page. It should only have fields movie name, year, and rating.

To help you prepare for the interview, we have put together a list of the top Python interview questions and answers. Once you have been invited for a Python Developer job interview, you’ll need to brush up on your programming language knowledge and review your projects and achievements. This means that xrange doesn’t actually generate a static list at run-time like range does.

python developer interview questions

Here is our rundown of the most asked Python interview questions and answers. This comprehensive list consists of interview questions and answers for both fresher and experienced professionals to perform well in interviews. If you are looking for advanced level Python coding interview questions, here are some of the most asked questions that will help you in a job interview as an experienced candidate. As you read through these Python interview questions, mark the ones you can not answer by yourself. Then, in the second pass, only go through the questions you could not answer in the first place.

What is the first step when testing an application?

All these courses will give you a clear perspective of industries that work on Python. You will be taught everything that is required to become a successful professional Python developer. Whenever we want to extend the functionality of a method without actually modifying its definition, we can use decorators. With the help of decorators, we can wrap a particular method in another.