A quorum of 20% of staked vBNT is needed to approve the Bancor v2.1 proposal. If approved, the upgrade will be pushed to mainnet in the days after its approval.” Follow @cryptowiki_me on Twitter to be up to date on pages being created or edited.

  • Bring the readers to imagine that world and how better it is than what they know.
  • If you are targeting entrepreneurs as your primary reader, then using an executive summary could be a good idea.
  • Bancor Co-Founder Galia Benartzi said, “Bancor is deeply grateful to our vastcommunity for its support in making the project’s launch an astronomicalsuccess.
  • There are also MultiToken and MultiConverter implementations which allow conversions with numerous several smart tokens (without deploying a separate smart contract for each converter (BancorConverter).
  • However, the goal of this project will be to create a new digital currency that will enable customers to invest more in new items and tokens.
  • An attorney should draft this part or it should be at least Okayed by one.

It benefits from network effect as the more people use it as the reserve token for their smart tokens, the more value it captures, which in turn appreciates all the smart tokens holding it in reserve. Bancor already has a working front-end product which includes smart token creation and wallet, as well as community features like discussions, profiles and stats. The Bancor Network Token allocation event, happening today, will launch the project. It is about easily creating, managing and trading tokens, currently, ERC20 tokens created on the Ethereum network, by increasing their liquidity and allowing them to have an automated market price.


The white paper describes and explains how Solarin, a blockchain-enabled smartphone, works, and what it offers users. Bancor is a blockchain protocol that allows users to convert different virtual currency tokens directly and instantly instead of exchanging them on cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase. An important issue for on-chain liquidity is Maximal Extractable Value or “MEV” — which results in profits extracted by parties who control the transaction flow, typically miners.

The rate of conversion between various crypto coins is fairly maintained by various formulas and algorithms internally implemented by the Bancor network. Through the use of smart-contracts, Smart Tokens can be created that hold one or more other tokens as reserves. Tokens may represent existing national currencies or other types of assets. By using a reserve token model and algorithmically-calculated conversion rates, the Bancor Protocol creates a new type of ecosystem for asset exchange, with no central control. This decentralized hierarchical monetary system lays the foundation for an autonomous decentralized global exchange with numerous and substantial advantages.

How to Write a White paper for Your Blockchain Project — A Complete Guide

This version can be as technical as a developer must make the right decisions to be part of the project. It also happens that many times, the solution you are describing in your paper is a B2B, and therefore, you have businesses and enterprises in mind as the target. You still need to create a profile of the kind of enterprises you are targeting. Consider things like their size, industry where they operate and their market. However, if your target reader is a person on the street with no technical understanding, then you should appropriately tailor the paper in a way they will understand it.

Japan Approves Web3 White Paper to Promote Industry Growth in the Country – CoinDesk

Japan Approves Web3 White Paper to Promote Industry Growth in the Country.

Posted: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

And it does this through detailed bios of the critical members of the team. A comprehensive, thorough, realistic, and clear explanation makes the readers believe that the people behind the project know what they are doing. This is a detailed step-by-step guide on writing a white paper for an initial coin offering (ICO), Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), a blockchain project, or, in fact, any other reasons. Included is an analysis of some of the successful white papers with particular attention paid to their styles, structures, and outlines.

Step 4. Identify the structure of your white paper

The tokens are converted internally based on these reserves and depending upon the volume of user requests. Most websites have constantly presented difficulties to the users, especially when paying high taxes. The ICO Blockchain will help them maximize profits by discounting their payments. This means that they will not incur charges on Blockchain transactions. However, it has always been a challenge for most internet users to read online materials because most sites require them to pay large sums for them to access.

You expect people of different cultures, local realities, and even languages to read your white paper. This, however, doesn’t mean you should throw your hands in the air and give up. Understanding your target reader using these points is helpful in terms of matching your offer with their needs as well as explaining concepts at the level of their comprehension. If you are targeting developers and cryptographic experts, for example, using industry-specific technical terms will be in order. Before you start the process of writing a white paper for your project, you first need to have it clear in your mind whom you want or expect to read it. Talk to as many people involved with the project as you can to identify that person.

How to Navigate the Volatile Crypto Market

In the third section, the paper introduces the solution to the social network users being vulnerable and just products. The Status white paper has an introduction explaining the general problems social networking site users have to face. It describes things like bots twisting narratives and discussions on Twitter. Bridge — This is the last section, and it is where you describe your solution as what makes the new, better world possible.

Traders have used the platform primarily to find arbitrage opportunities for assets like ether and EOS, several traders told CoinDesk, in addition to more niche offerings. For example, Michael Safai of the San Francisco-based fund Dexterity examples of owner’s equity Capital, told CoinDesk his firm used Bancor for arbitrage strategies last year. And even when it is a technical white paper you are writing, the hypothesis and computations shouldn’t seem forced just to give your paper a look.

Bancor’s open-source protocol empowers tokens with built-in convertibility directly through their smart contracts, allowing integrated tokens to be instantly converted for one another, without needing to match buyers and sellers in an exchange. The Bancor Wallet enables automated token conversions directly from within the wallet, at prices that are more predictable than exchanges and resistant to manipulation. To convert tokens instantly, including ETH, EOS, DAI and more, visit the Bancor Web App, join the Bancor Telegram group or read the Bancor Protocol™ Whitepaper for more information.

The “sell USD” chart on the right is much bigger — it contains up to 5,000 units of USD, and it buys RSK at an average price of 5,000 USD per 14,000 RSK, i.e., 0.36 USD/RSK. The side-by-side chart below shows two linked curves that can be interpreted as a buy-low, sell-high strategy, where the active token on the left-hand side is “RSK”, and the active token on the right-hand side is USD. The curves appear on separate charts deliberately, because it is not possible to run both curves on a single shared state (x,y) while observing the asymmetry of the user’s intent. The Carbon Whitepaper begins by providing historical context on the evolution of automated market-makers (“AMMs”).